
Some Common Dog Diseases

by Janice Kumar

The pet dog is susceptible to some specific diseases and complaints. This article does not purport to give any solutions but seeks to educate the owner about possible causes for dog discomfort.

The dog may pick up external or internal parasites. These parasites can lead to disease. Some symptoms are severe and need a visit to the vet to cure. the other minor symptoms if properly understood can be treated at home also.

External parasites which the dog can pick up include fleas, lice, ticks and mange mites. Internal parasites include roundworms, tapeworms, flukes (trematodes) and protozoa (bacteria). A few of the infectious diseases which have been seen to occur in dogs include distemper, leptospirosis, tularemia, nocardosis and histoplasmosis. The treatment of the various infectious diseases is out of the scope of this article and needs a detailed treatment possible only at a veterinarian. Refer to Encyclopedia of Canine Veterinary Medical Information for detailed disease description.

The problem of mange ( caused by several kind of mites) is preventable by a good grooming and balanced diet and clean/dry bedding. A generally well care for dog, will not suffer from this condition. If you find your pet suffering from Mange, try to understand the cause which may lie in improper grooming, poor diet or unclean surroundings.

Some other skin conditions are as follows:Dog Alsation

The so called ‘Ring Worm’ infection caused by fungus, Pyoderma caused by bacteria- Staphylococcus, allergy due to insect bites and or unusual foods or drugs. Unusual skin activity may be caused by hormonal imbalances and sebaceous gland over activity.

Ticks are a nuisance for dogs who love the outdoors. They attach themselves to the dog’s skin and cause irritation and itching. They can grow to a substantial size causing behavioral changes in dogs. If a tick is pulled out but the head is left embedded in the dog’s skin, infection can occur around it. It is advisable to remove a tick by grasping it close to the skin ( using forceps or fingers) and exerting a steady ( non jerky) pull. The tick along with the head will come out. Apply an antiseptic and leave. If the head remains embedded, do not panic, apply an antiseptic and leave it. A small pustule will form and burst. Some ticks may carry infection. So if you see a dog behaving oddly, or the skin swelling up after the ticks have been removed, do consult a vet.

Another problem facing dogs is fleas. Normally fleas ( except the sticktight) variety migrate freely over the dog, so that liquid or powder treatment on the back, head and neck only, is effective. A flea collar bought from a pet store can also be effective in warding off these kind of fleas. However sticktight fleas ( which do not move) must be doused directly with specific kind of flea sprays, powders and other preparations available in a pet store. This will normally help get rid of them. For severe flea infestation, a visit to a vet may be advised.

The dog can also suffer from ‘Worm’ infestation. Pets with improper eating habits or those given improperly cooked foods can suffer from many varieties of parasitic round worms, flat worms, heart worms, hook worms and tape worms. A physical examination of the vomit and sometimes feces can tell the pet owner if the dog is suffering from an infection. The advice of a vet is normally necessary to treat such infections.

The above article, will give a pet owner a broad guideline as to what to expect when a dog looks and falls ill. It is again emphasized that well groomed dogs, who are given a proper diet and regular visits to the vet will normally keep fit barring unforeseen circumstances.

